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Chatting in English

Welcome to ESL-Chat!

Hi! My name is Alan. I am glad to meet you! I am an English teacher. I can help you improve your English, I can correct your language mistakes while we chat.

As you might know, ESL stands for English as Second Language. Here we try our best to help you improve your English when it is not your native language.

The best way to learn any language is practice, as much as possible. Practice reading, listening, writing and speaking. You can also improve your language by talking to me. I will try my best to help correct your spelling and grammar mistakes as well as learn more vocabulary and useful phrases.

Reading books and watching movies are two very important activities to improve your language. So start by best-selling books and do not forget to read other Wikipedia articles as well as daily news.

About movies, watch any movie you like and try to focus on the conversation. Try to watch the same movie with and without subtitles. Any movie genre is good but movie that have more conversation are best. Documentaries are also very good to start with.

In addition to that, I also offer to test your English language proficiency level. Tell me to test your language and depending on your current level, I will try to test your language level and give you your score.

The test has different levels starting from absolute beginner who only knows the basic phrases to very advanced. These levels are similar to IELTS bands. The questions in the advanced level are very similar to TOEFL. So even if you get a relatively low score on the advanced level, it does not mean your English is that bad!

This website also provides a number of tools that makes learning English easier:

  • On the Phrases page, you can find many useful basic English phrases with their translations in Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Russian, French, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Kurdish. You can use this page to get started with chatting if you are just beginning to learn English.

  • On the Blog page, you can find many articles that will motivate and help you better learn English language. The articles range from grammar lessons to discussing the best way to learn a language. They also can help you choose from a list of best books to read by genre, age, best-selling books of all time...

  • On the Quiz page, you can find many quizzes to test your language proficiency level. They range from very easy to very advanced.

  • On the Grammar page, you can copy and paste your text to check its grammar in addition to other text analysis statistics like sentence length...

  • On the Word Frequency page, you can copy and paste your text to calculate unique words and the number each words is repeated. So you can easily make a dictionary list for any text you want.

Please also do not forget to visit our facebook and twitter pages to get updates about our lessons in addition to other updates to our site.

Now you can start chatting with me and ask me any question!

Below are the common English basic phrases and their meaning in other languages:

Kurdish Arabic Persian Turkish Chinese Spanish Hindi Russian French

3How are you?¿Cómo estás?
4I am fineEstoy bien
5Thank youGracias
7Thank you very muchMuchas gracias
8And you?¿Y usted?
10Can you speak English?¿Puedes hablar ingles?
11Do you speak Spanish?¿Hablas español?
12A littleUn poco
13Where do you live?¿Dónde vives?
14I live in Spainvivo en España
15I live in Madridyo vivo en Madrid
16Madrid is a nice cityMadrid es una ciudad bonita
17Madrid is an old cityMadrid es una ciudad antigua
18I live in the USYo vivo en los EE.UU.
19Where are you from?¿De donde eres?
20I am from the U.SSoy de los EE.UU
21I am AmericanSoy estadounidense
22What is your job?¿Cuál es tu trabajo?
23I am a studentsoy un estudiante
24I am a teacherYo soy un profesor
25How old are you?Cuantos años tienes?
26I am 35 years oldtengo 35 años
27What is your name?¿Cuál es su nombre?
28My name is AhmedMi nombre es Ahmed
29Nice to meet youEncantada de conocerte
30PleasePor favor
31SorryLo siento
33Never mind!
37Well done!
38It was nice talking to youFue agradable conversar contigo
39What time is it?¿Que hora es?
40It is one o'clockEs la una en punto
41I am lateLlego tarde
42I have to go nowtengo que irme ahora
44Are you okay?¿Estás bien?
45Can I help you?¿Puedo ayudarte?
46Can you help me?¿Me puedes ayudar?
47Come hereVen aca
49Good afternoonBuenas tardes
50Good eveningBuena noches
51Good luckBuena suerte
52Good morningBuenos días
53Good nightBuenas noches
55See you laterNos vemos más tarde
56Happy birthdayFeliz cumpleaños
57Happy new yearFeliz año nuevo
58I am going to workVoy a trabajar
59I am okEstoy bien
60I am not okNo estoy bien
61I am sickestoy enfermo
62I knowLo sé
63I do not knowNo lo sé
64I do not understandno entiendo
65Please explainPor favor explique
66What do you want?¿Qué deseas?
67I need helpnecesito ayuda
69I saiddije
70What are you doing?¿Qué estás haciendo?
71What do you mean?¿Qué quieres decir?
72I meanquiero decir
73I am reading a book
74What is this?¿Que es esto?
75May I come in?
76Where are you going?¿A dónde vas?

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